Day 448: Wars and Famine are Human Ritual Sacrifices

The emergence of news about ritual abuses and human sacrifices has a shock factor that still gets our attention.

We can’t say the same for the ritual abuses and human sacrifices that we have ‘normalized’ in our world – we are hardly moved by pictures of hungry children in Africa or by wars, overexposure to these news made them normal and exposes the way we handle what we do to keep the world the way it is, take our Hollywood movies, if one shocking truth comes out about anything, we make a movie about it – think ‘Blood Diamonds’ or ‘Promised Land’ movies in which we tell each other ‘the way things are’. Sometime, like in the case of ‘Promised Land’ we tell the story even including how corporations get away with any potential obstacle by impersonating both sides of the fight, there, we exposed it, my guess is that we do this because we can then believe ‘we know what is going on for real, we are not stupid’, enjoy our contained moment of shock and dismal and then gladly go back to sleep.

Someone said that ‘Masses pay the ruling class for the privilege of the very entertainments that helps to keep them under the laughing gas’, and it is absolutely true, imagine the ingenuity, have your slaves pay to be enslaved, what a cunning, brilliant plan.

Here an interesting extract on human sacrifices from an article by Acharya S., a classically trained archaeologist, historian, mythologist and linguist, as well as a member of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece, and the associate director of the Institute for Historical Accuracy.

‘It is also purported that such sacrifices by any number of priesthoods, transcending race and creed, continue to this day in secret sites of the elite. Some members of this elite group, which includes both Jews and Gentiles, allegedly will bring about the destruction of the Muslim “Dome on the Rock” in Jerusalem so “the Jews” can reestablish the Temple for sacrificial rites (ostensibly of animals), an act that would certainly cause major turmoil in the Middle East if not the entire planet. There have in fact been several recent attempts to blow up the Dome, some of which were funded by Jewish/Christian organizations in the U.S.

War Itself is Human Sacrifice
This all raises the question of whether or not war itself is considered a sacrificial rite by the elite, who, along with their families, frequently escape such deadly rituals. The ranks of the “old money” elite are composed of robber-barons and third-party weapons manufacturers who both finance and reap the benefits of war. This “business,” in fact, is how they became elite in the first place, with the first tribal chieftain invading another’s territories, killing the inhabitants and stealing their land.

When one studies all the world’s entanglements, it becomes obvious that human beings must stop allowing themselves to be programmed with racist and sexist ideologies – and religions are numero uno offenders in that regard: Anti-woman and anti-everyone else who is not “like us.” These “unbelievers” and “infidels,” in fact, are to be condescendingly pitied, hated and/or killed. Those who believe “our way” are superior to those who do not, according to the pathology.

And so it goes on and on without respite from the ear-splitting, insane cacophony. When will humankind evolve? As American actor Gene Kelly said in the movie Inherit the Wind: “Darwin was wrong. Man’s still an ape. His creed’s still a totem pole. When he first achieved the upright position, he took a look at the stars, and thought they were something to eat. When he couldn’t reach them, he decided they were groceries belonging to a bigger creature. That’s how Jehovah was born.”

And so the story goes that there is nothing new under the sun, Human Sacrifices were performed all throughout history for power and wealth and to appease Gods that seem even more insane than the ones we became accustomed to worship, our Mind Control has led us to a blindness that doesn’t allow us to see the obvious, if wars are preventable events, if they are uneconomical – bar for a bunch of people who manage to even make money on them-, if we have the means and understanding to see where some imperialistic behaviors can lead, why don’t we give them up, why don’t we change, why do we accept someone else’s definition of Crime and do not extend it to senseless wars, to predictable famine, what is the cognitive dissonance that stands in our way from doing so?

What if the disclosure of human sacrifices we so fear when we hear about them as a singular, odd event, were part  of our mind control programs, the diversion for the vast, huge amounts of human sacrifices happening every day to thousands  of beings around the world that we no longer see or hear and whose suffering has become ‘normality’ justified by their prolonged, never ending/never so far ended, existence and by our dumb, never questioned, acceptance?

If you have been worried about Ritual Abuses, Human Sacrifices and Mind Control and you have never considered Wars and Famine as Ritual Abuses and Human Sacrifices, You Are Mind Controlled.

We have justified and turned famine into a side effect of a system we are led to believe it’s the best we can get for a freedom and a democracy we have never even seen with a telescope, and have turned wars into honorable happenstances that churn out dead heroes and medals for posterity, we have invested state sanctioned homicides as Wars with a character of justice and courage, qualities we want to participate with because we are mostly unjust and cowards but in a group, who knows, we might be redeemed.

Have we been and are we still ruled by superstitious, TheMented, capricious, psychopaths that have found ways to mass produce ritual sacrifices for magick invocations of wealth ?

Not that this should come as a shock, what we see outside goes on in each one of us, we each hold some superstitious belief about the world, our own petty rituals, call it religion or magical thinking or both, we are capricious about the way we want the Economy to run to satisfy our wants in the face of the unmet needs of many, willing to sacrifice others at the altar of our own wealth and success and we are ultimately all psychopaths for not recognizing the suffering of others as our own, the lives lost in wars and famine for what they are, the horrific loss of brothers and sisters of our Human Family and of priceless human potential, it’s time to seek solutions to end the sacrificial nature of this world and our participation within it, once and for all.

There is one way for us to break free, we can come together to break the spell we have cast on each other, ending the sacrifices of every living being on the planet by recognizing the nature of what we have accepted and allowed with our silent, manufactured consent and decide, together, on a different path.

We can decide that it is Life that must be guaranteed to all, and not death, death is a given on this planet while Life is not yet, and that is weird to say the least, we have come up with plenty absurd justifications about why it is so that we have invested with Authority and called Law, Economics, Monetary Policies, Politics, but guess what, we were told as well that war made sense, that famine was unavoidable in such a big world, all big fat lies that we can stop supporting and living as Truths if we decide to do so.

The Life of All living beings must be supported, honoured, guaranteed – not taken for no reason other than our mental ill-nesses that we have ritualized and sanctified, only Supporting Life for All will end our senseless lives of sacrifices and the horrific life taking,  whatever is the name of the sacrifice we have bought into, austerity, bonds, debts, usury, prostitution, famine, lack, wars, the list is long, let’s stop coming up with new ideas about how to abuse and sacrifice each other so we put an end to Ritual Abuses and Human Sacrifices that we never saw before as such, once and for all.

Join the discussion for a Living Income Guaranteed, let’s step out of our sacrificial mind-set, make this proposal and what it means your own, share it, spell it, breathe Life into it, your Life, for yourself and everyone else, Equal and One.