Day 410: Why We don’t have Human Rights – Yet



It seems that no matter how clearly WORDS spell out something for us, we just don’t get it. I live with this experience most days of my life.

Today as I was listening to someone spelling out the problem with Moral Relativism, the idea that each one of us can define right and wrong according to their desires and personal vices, which is fast becoming/has become the foundation of our society, a point came up for me to ponder about -what is this creation all about.

We know the various theories of the world being a school, a prison or just simply hell, we will not consider the other theory of the world not being Real because it’s silly, I wake up here every morning, even on the mornings I wish I did not wake up here and yet here I am, proving that it must be real and additionally, that I am not here by my own will or I could disappear any time I choose and yet, I can’t.

So, the point as well that we can connect is, what if this planet was all of the above, what if we were here because we have not yet learnt the basic principle of creation and the natural law that governs it, what if there was just one Law, to never allow ourselves to participate in what causes harm to any other living being, then we could see how far off at the moment we exist from such Order and how a New World Order is called for, just not the one we have been talking about in the past twenty years. That is a New World order of Control and Oppression, the coronation of a lifetime of abuses that we are now attempting to write on stone and legalizing for the future generations to come. Well done.

Unfortunately as we wake up we can see that we exist as harmful creatures, we harm to live in the best case, we are not aligned with this one postulate to ‘do no harm’ and some time will have to go by before we can sort ourselves out in all the fields of our existence to create ourselves as not harmful beings.

One thing that we could make an effort to realize is that Human Rights at the moment is not Who We Are, we are Human Wrongs, we have to work to become Right and only when WE Become Human Rights, we can have them, we can’t have what We are Not. The only Freedom we have ever had, was the one to choose to do what is Right, to Become Human Rights and end all the harm once and for all.

This world is Our Creation, it’s not a playfield because we have long taken the fun out of it and it’s not a place where It’s All Good, that is another of the harmful delusions we hold, murder, rape, violence and all the abuses we accept Are Not Good and so it’s about time we abandon both the delusions and our Moral Relativism to realize that the work to build Human Rights is an inside job, where we accept that The Only Way Out is Within and move together to do the required work so that as We Become Human Rights, we can live them, reap them for ourselves and others Equally.

We have a proposals that starts us on this path, it’s called a Living Income Guaranteed, having a life of dignity should be the Life of a Right Human, a Human Right that we give to ourselves and others, within a Life of Dignity it will be easier for All to let go of some of the abusive ways we have to live at the moment and to realign to a Principled Life of ‘Do No Harm’ if we lay out some alternative ways of living that consider the well being of all.

If you are waking up from Moral Relativism and beliefs that All is Good in the face of the world of abuses we live in, join us, participate, work to Right the Wrongs of this World for yourself and All, Equal and One.


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