Day 439: There is No God in the Bible – Crap, Now What?

Mauro Biglino used to work as an ancient Hebrew translator for a Catholic editor called Edizioni San Paolo.

He translated several books for them and everything was nice and rosy, until he started to send the first versions of his Bible translations, where he excitedly pointed out that the Bible is not a sacred book, was never meant to be one either, but was simply a History book about war, massacres, ethnic cleansing and  about the Creation of Humanity.

He insisted that according to the Script-ure there was no mention of a God in the Old Testament originally, but just of Cosmonauts/Aliens, who created Humanity in their likeness using a part of the substance of the image of themselves.

That was when his work assignment ended abruptly and he was told they no longer needed his services, he now says luckily, because he doesn’t have anything to lose anymore by exposing what was clearly written out and, obviously, covered up during the centuries, by those that shared the power over the planet with some, not-so-human, partners in crime.

Of course a deluge of insults has covered Mauro Biglino after he published his book titled ‘The Bible is Not A Sacred Book – The Great Deception’, some went as far as threatening him to death sending him a letter and a bullet to dissuade him from participating as a guest at a conference, some may honestly fear what he says and feel their whole core belief system threatened by his very existence -and he won’t shut up!- and some may fear the public exposure and consequent embarrassment for  the fact that they knew all along what was going on and they covered it up, because they could -and did- benefit from the Status Quo, tremendously.

Biglino worked on this project with eminent jewish scholars and all of them confirmed that the Old Testaments tells a story that has nothing to do with the story we know, or better said, it has bits and pieces of it, just not the relevant bits and pieces to work out our origins, our purpose and why things have gone on for centuries the way they did.

To those that object to learning a new truth, a truth that doesn’t match the belief system we have unwillingly embraced from birth, one should ask how do we hang on, without batting an eyelid, to a virgin birth or to an All Knowing God that didn’t see THIS coming, an All Powerful Creator that allowed the existence of such a dishonorable world where abuse, violence and wars reign and FEAR is our Core Drive and how do we reconcile such aspects of the MonoGreatGod with His Legendary Compassion, because those are the real hard to swallow dogmas that we never even questioned vs a new idea that this planet of slaves might have been created as such and that we have never had, like never ever, a model of Life Support we can dig out and build upon and maybe THAT is our problem and if we can face it, we can change it, right?

In this light, anything new that we propose can’t be put up for debate using the old, the old was deliberately rigged to make it work for just a bunch of Holy See-rs, Wholly Seers, Overseers and hence we should open up gladly to anything new to consider, with unconditional open arms and work to see HOW we could make fresh, unheard of, models for peaceful and beneficial living that may work for All.

Those that were waiting for God to sort it all out will be very disappointed, they are suddenly dis-appointed from their role of Waiters as in those waiting for someone/something to come and sort it all out. It ain’t happening.

On the other hand though this could be great news, there is no one above us, no one below us, there is just Us, scary as hell maybe but letting God go for Good could be our Saving Grace. Then, considering to Guarantee a Living to All would not seem so outlandish, we were meant to not do that, we were meant to exist enslaved, as slaves, through our Make Belief Money System, Class System, Peasants workforce, so we would ensure the subservience of many to the few for their own survival.
With God out-of-the-way -We are now in charge.

Obviously if we can let God go, we can let the Elite of this existence go as well, they were the Gods of this world and Equally Bad Providers as the Original Creators were, we can’t fix what has been, there will be no restitution for what has taken place and rightly so, we have all equally participated just by the mere fact of being Here, interwoven with each other into a physical fabric that sees us all as equally response-able and equally ineffective at changing the world so far.
So, better start with new models to assist each other and create a world that works for all, we have no one to be loyal to if not each other, our loyalty, our sense of honour, our investments in value have always been misplaced, there was one valuable thing on this planet, Life and we managed to live next to it and never notice it, too busy as we were in refining our art to find ways to survive just another day, without considering the whole in the solutions we sought just for ourselves.

But we can change, if we return Value to Life, if we make Life the Capital worth living for, if we redefine what Capitalism should be as in a System that honours the Life of every living being, the whole world will turn upside down, it just takes a decision to make All Lives Worth-while, while we live Life itself as The Worth and All Lives as having the same worth to Dignity and Freedom from the Fear of how and what we’ll have to do, or even just consider, to make sure we can make it through another day.

Consider A Living Income Guaranteed – there is no God in the Bible, GUARANTEED, we are the Gods of this existence, it is up to us to create a world we are proud to call our MasterPiece and Total Change is just a few beliefs away from where we are, Let’s close the Gap!

Living Income Guaranteed, join the Solution.