Day 358: Berlusconi, I go down -I take MY Government with Me


In August of this year Berlusconi was -finally- convicted to a 4 years jail sentence.

I have written before about him so I won’t go into lengthy explanations of why a conviction in a lifetime of bribery, conniving, mafia associations, tax evasion and sex with underage girls while in office was just long overdue, what I want to write about is His current all reaching indignation.

And who would not be indignant after a lifetime of getting away with murder only to land a jail sentence at 76 for a ‘minor crime’ by comparison to his lifelong law breaking, law trampling, law deriding at the cost of 2 million euros in legal fees that he had no trouble forking out.

Instead of being grateful that he got away with murder for so long, instead of giving a break to attacking the judicial system, to calling all magistrates ‘communist with a personal agenda’, and all the legal proceedings against him as a ‘personal attack’ confusing and convincing  the sheeple that believe that he is a poor persecuted billionaire, he is on a full on mission to have the government fall.

While he was on trial, his party, the Liberty Party (yes, because he got an American education on how to sell words and dreams to the poor and needy) threatened to resign en mass if he had been convicted.

Unfortunately there are no Laws to prevent that, and being his party an active part of the governing coalition that would mean the breakdown of the current government and anticipated elections, not that he cared of disrupting the functioning of our system while preaching that the system should work for the people, he obviously meant His people, his Lawyers, His Toy Boys and Toy Girls that he has put into the Parliament one by one making sure to always have a hand both on the legislative system and on the vetoing system, in case anyone tried to pass obscene Laws such as the one that would like to no longer see convicted criminals sitting in Parliament or the Law to cut the obscene public financing of political parties in a time where the government is calling everyone to make sacrifices to endure this bottomless, unrequired austerity.

That was fun. Then he was convicted and they did not resign because they feared the Italians would take over the Parliament to slap them in the face one by one, they feared for their safety as we were THAT close to the French revolution solution.

And now we are at it again, since the conviction has become effective -no don’t worry,  jail will never be an option for Berlusconi, he has the choice, -like everyone else I assume in the full sense of ‘The Law is Equal for everybody’-  to either go to jail, or stay at house arrests or do social work. This is why our jails are full to the brim, everyone else has chosen JAIL for themselves, in these times it seems a wise choice, you get 3 meals, a roof over your head, free dental and medical and a sort of camaraderie that is hard to match, you may even find a boyfriend or a few in jail,  who could in all honesty resist such treats? Just about Berlusconi it seems.

He said he won’t be kicked out of Parliament like a criminal, although until now I was under the impression that someone convicted of a crime, actually, convicted of a few crimes all the way into the 2 tier legal system we have in Italy, WAS a criminal, instead he said that Italians should thank him for everything he did for us.

And who can argue with him, let’s see, what did he do for us, let’s look at it through the eyes of the Court:

• Last October, a court found Berlusconi guilty of tax fraud and false accounting, sentencing him to four years in jail and a five-year ban from politics. Berlusconi’s lawyers appealed, and the Supreme Court heard the case in July.

• In December, another court found Berlusconi and his younger brother, Paolo Berlusconi, guilty in a wiretap case connected to the family newspaper Il Giornale. The court sentenced the elder brother to a year behind bars. The verdict is under appeal.

• In February, Berlusconi’s political comeback fell short, as polls produced a near three-way tie, sparking a two-month political crisis resolved only after Berlusconi’s coalition agreed to take on a junior role in the government of Enrico Letta.

• In June, a court convicted the 76-year-old Berlusconi to seven years in prison and a lifetime ban from politics on charges of abuse of power and paying an under-age girl, erotic dancer Karima el-Mahroug, then 17, for sex. The verdict is under appeal.

• Italy’s Supreme Court in July upheld the lower court’s guilty verdict in the false accounting and tax evasion trial, though the jail term was reduced to a year of house arrest. The politics ban was sent back to the lower court to be reconsidered.

Those are just his last one year Court proceedings, he is by his own admission ‘the most tried man in the history of the world’, unsuccessfully obviously because he is still pulling strings and asking to be treated specially, when the only special treatment he should get is the sum of all the years in jail he has been convicted for to be done consecutively, as to rid this country from this media friendly blood sucking parasite.

But his greed has now moved to realms way beyond money, reportedly confined to a 27-bedroom villa for the term of his house arrest, and with his political influence on the wane, Berlusconi can at least console himself that he is $1.5 billion richer than he was when the series of events started but he no longer needs money, Everyone Else’s Austerity made him richer by 26% in one year, popping him closer to join the league of the 100, the 100 richest men in the world according to Forbes, his greed is now for power beyond that of a Roman Emperor, he claims his right to rule, not from house arrests, from the seats of the Parliament where he has too many employees to let go, from the core of what should be our democratic system from which he is not willing to go, not even kicked out, not even jailed in sentences a few times over, he is there to stay and if he goes, he will take the whole government down with him.

A few days ago he broadcasted a video message to the nation -overlooking the fact that the only people who do such things are Aliens and dictators, to claim his innocence, to blame the judiciary leftist system that are trying to put in place a socialist system within Italy (a fact no one has noticed but him, since we have in the last 20 years lost all social buffers, any form o welfare and our labor market resembles more and more a slavery system where we either take it or walk) and to let us know that he has not slept for 55 days and precisely  since the day he has been convicted -for real, for once- to have stolen close to 400 million euros in taxes from the people he is asking  the support of.

Is there a line he will draw for himself where shame will stop him?

No, Money deletes all shame and a lot of money can shift the shame on others, on those that as a result of his cheating the tax system for decades (and be caught just once) have to go without being able to make it to the end of the month, they have to endure the shame of going to the meal services of the churches while he is at another of his petty games in a time of economical uncertainty for Italy that is so grave that we have the current premier, Mr. Letta, on a financial mission to the States begging for help, begging that someone else finds the will to buy out some more of what we have now for sale in a country with no justice and where the fiscal weight is close to the Swedish one with no benefits but to keep in power those that are strangling the people out of their rights, so we sell out, the whole lot, palaces, infrastructures and soon we will put up what is the most sought after card on the Monopoly board, Utilities, gas, electricity and water (never mind we had a referendum and voted NO to the privatization of water), we are out to privatize the common good for the benefit of the few who have enough Monopoly money to get their hands on them and then who knows, the sky is the limit, about 60 million assholes populate this country, so bend over Italians, the fun is just begun.

If you want a system change, it has to start with a Life for everyone, not a miserable one, not an austerity-based-life while some buy the country out but a guaranteed Life through a living income guaranteed for All, to give each other the assurance that Life won’t be on sale anymore, your life, the life of your family, the life of the children to come, because there are buyers out there for them and there isn’t a morality to stop anyone from squeezing the life out of all so they get to have a bigger life for themselves, it will have to be all of us standing and saying no more -and it’s about time.

Stand up for a Life for All, if you don’t bend over, because soon your ass will be the only thing left to sell.

Change is possible, we have to see that we are part of the problem to become part of the Solution for All. Join us.

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