Capital-Lie-ism – The Lies We Tell Each Other

wrong side of capitalism


The point of us not even realizing it is more astonishing than anything that has been going on since we were born. The rights of the people have diminished, all social bumpers have or are disappearing, and we find that even the middle class, or aspiring middle class is seeing some ‘not-so-common sense’ in reducing the benefits for the People. Are they not The People too, are we not All -the People of this Planet?


Given the current state of Human Nature, the ones opposing a system change must either be on the receiving end of this system of abuse or hoping to get there, and this applies to many who call themselves educated too, they fail to see where their Education came from and if we attempt to expose the system to support everyone to wake up, at best we are called Conspiracy Theorists, at worse, Utopians, for wanting to change the system to a system that would benefit All.


So, lets try to debunk some of the lies of Capitalism we tell each other, we’ll take just a few for the purpose of stimulating the desire for others to investigate what is going on and to wake up to the point that their dream of making it to the top, it’s just that, another DREAM sold by the system to guarantee that the HOPE of personal gain will keep them pacified, aspiring for those upper places in the pecking order of this World.


The first big Lie we live is the delusion of Freedom and Democracy within a system where some, who have piled up all the resources, write the Laws by influencing parliament to promote and vote in the direction they want to stir the whole game, they bought out the Justice System, but even better, they saw the chance to go directly at the source of their problems, so they could affect the Legislative process which should be meant to be designed keeping All in mind and what the needs of most, especially the underprivileged by design, are.

And we are not talking big benefits, we could just start with the basic human right to Life, which at the moment is denied to those that cannot access resources through this MEAN we have invented, Money as the middle man that gives access to vital resources such as water, food, shelter and then the resources to guarantee to be able to access this MEAN to Vital resources, such as Education, Health care and generally speaking, a system of support, not to “the Scum of the Earth” as it seems to come out from all the talks of the rich who feel they are always in peril of being overtaxed in support of the “lazy poor”, but to the people from which we are in fact stealing, to those to whom the equal share of this planet bounty has never been given. Most of the greatest wealth is built on the backs of workers who are not even retributed enough to make it comfortably to the end of the month. It is important that they are not, paramount, because when they can’t make it we can sell them something else, DEBT, what a GREAT idea, and they won’t be able to refuse the offer, because DEBT has become what our economy runs on, we have created a CULTure of debt and lack for most but the few that sit on top.


The second most damaging Lie we live, is the Lie that all those who are born in this world have Equal opportunities to make it to the top through their dedication and hard work.

This should be a point not even worthy of debating, because believing such things is a blatant show of out-of-touch-ness with the world, and therefore we have to look at WHY we believe the unbelievable, there must be some pay back in our beliefs that would stop us from seeing the world for what it is.

One thing I can say from my own experience as a Love and Lighter, is that when I did not want to hear about poverty and famine and how hard some had it, the basic force was Fear, it was the fear that I would have to face the truth that something was terribly wrong in this world and that if I allowed myself to uncover the first BIG lie, it would have been an unstoppable domino effect and my castle of cards would have come tumbling down forever, and that was not an option I was willing to even consider.

But looking behind the fear there was another motivating force, and that was Self Interest, because if I did acknowledge that something was terribly wrong with this world and with what we were doing it would be like knowing your husband is cheating, then you have to make a decision, you can’t keep pretending everything is fine, you are called to stand somewhere on the issue of Injustice and this world of Abuse, but if I didn’t look and told myself stories about this system, one of which was that we all have equal chances, I could keep the cheating husband and the lifestyle I had and just go on pretending that everything was just dandy.


The third lie that we tell each other  is the trickle down lie, the assumption that if we make the rich on top richer, the wealth will trickle down. This is obviously another lie spread by the Rich, but it’s not a New Lie, it has been going on for the last 50 years if not more, and yet all the numbers prove that not only that didn’t happen, but the situation for those at the bottom has become worse. Yes, because as the riches piled up on top, the scoundrels had more Money to splurge to bend the system, write Laws in their favour and basically dis-empower the bottom line of the ones that were now reduced to blatant slavery, to the inability of even conceiving standing up, as they were deliberately forced down with anything that came to Mind, Fear of losing their jobs, homes, health care, freedom of choice (AS IF they ever had any) and last cherry on the cake, fear of Terrorist attacks, setting up a Terror Alert System to be able to turn up and down the Fear levels inside people on command. That we should concede, was a Master Stroke.

 So, as we moved into this well designed and planned FEAR World, we lost any power to stand up and say enough is enough, not that this is true, but we Perceive it this way, we perceive the whole game has become too big for us to be able to change it, to be able to research independently what is going on in the world and assess by ourselves, without any outside help what is going on and what needs to be done.


We are writing a solution to a New World, we are proposing to redesign a Capitalism that works for All until we can let go of the Money Construct altogether, it will require the standing up of many Beyond Fear, beyond the Complacency of making do with a system that is downright abusive and basically, just plain crazy, where we consume finite resources as if they were infinite and then dispose of the garbage we produce in all corners of the world, considering oceans, rivers, the land, the air, our personal rugs under which we seem to think we can sweep all the crap we don’t want to face until further notice, while we are not even clear which notice should be issued, and by whom, if we are planning to give each other a wake up call, or if the planet will have to just throw us out as the parasites we have become.

 Reconsider your views of the current system, the game is rigged, give up all Hopes that you may sit enthroned up with the Big Guys, that Club is on invitation only and we have not been invited, but we can design a World for All, where all Human beings of Good Will are welcome to join to stop what we have become and create a world that effectively works for All, without Poverty, Famine, Crime, Pollution of all our resources, and all the other consequences we have created and are busy creating by upholding this system of Profit vs Life, a World we can be proud to call Our Home.

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