Day 445: The Elite is not The Enemy but our Wake Up Call to Global Change


Today I got an email from a friend that shared a link about an organization called The Re-set that supports

A constitutional re-set to re-store fair principles, accountability, community led governance and ethics.

I couldn’t help but notice how my email Inbox has changed in the last 5 years, I went from news about suggested self-serving intangible changes like positive thinking and energetics and conspiracy theories to receiving most of my emails about people rising up and getting involved to seek solutions that are real, physical and that consider that Life on this planet must be taken into account in everything we do, if we want real sustainable change.

I still get the occasional bullshit and fear based news and some pretence system-smoke-mirrors about change that don’t involve any specific participation but an electronic signature but, definitely, what I have noticed is a diminishment of our delusions and the realization that we need to come together to agree on new principles to manage Life on this planet.

And who do we have to thank for this if not the Elite? If the limited money in the world had not been sucked all the way up to the top, we would all still be living our comfortable, sheltered lives totally oblivious to the suffering of others.

Maybe we have to understand our Equality through suffering, just like we have always done, because we are not yet mature enough to evaluate solutions without being pushed by desperation into seeking them. But we can learn that even that is not necessary nor required.

So, for once, I would like to write The Elite, the 1%, a Thank You note for this wake up call, maybe many of them didn’t intend this to happen, maybe those at the top are just as shortsighted as the ones at the bottom, a fact that could explain why so much damage at a global scale keeps going on, as the more powerful, those who have accumulated the most money and have the thickest buffer protecting them from physical reality, may be suffering at the highest degree from our social diseases ranging from full-blown psychopathy to pathological greed, yet they are just grandly showing us the dire consequences of living out our carelessness and disconnection for/from each other and all the other living beings who sharing the planet with us.

If it wasn’t for the lack that we are experiencing at a global scale, many of us wouldn’t find it in themselves to move in support of each other, we would be too careless, too carefree, too uninterested to get involved, to move, to rethink this world to a world that works for all.

We too have a proposal, it’s called A Living Income Guaranteed, it’s designed to ensure that everyone on this planet is taken care of and that they can access a Life of Dignity, so, if you have not yet done so, stand up, be counted, we can reduce the suffering we have to experience before we realize that we have to stop delegating our responsibility for this world and each other to faceless corporations and govern-ments and stand united as self responsible human beings to look for solutions that include All – only this way we’ll end the worsening of this Consequential World we have created and lived into existence to replace it with a World of Support that is truly best for all.

So, within this realization, it’s time to depose our arms/weapons/hatred/blame and stand thankful to those that made and are making our awakening possible, maybe the saying that God, as ourselves, moves in mysterious ways, is more true than we have ever realized.


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