Fossil Fuels -The Blind Spot of the Idiot-Sin-Crazy of Humanity

fosssil fuels

There is something wrong in the way we are using Fuels.

It seemed necessary to start with such a SIMPLE sentence because it’s obvious by now, we are NOT getting it.

We should be plagued by questions when it comes to Fossil Fuels, one hint would be in the word ‘Fossil’, the Dictionary describes a Fossil as

  1. The remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock: “sites rich in fossils”
  2. “stubbornly unchanging person or thing: “he can be a cantankerous old fossil at times”

We are basically Fossils Ab-using Fossils.

We have come to a time when we have to face our own definition of ourselves as ‘Intelligent beings’ and possibly come up with better excuses than the ones we have used so far to define ourselves as ‘above all other species’ since so far the only ones who are destroying and consuming the planet at an unsustainable rate is ourselves, The Intelligent Human.

Let’s review the fossil fuels point, they are fossils -again let’s repeat this to see if it sinks in, they are ‘remains of prehistoric organisms’, meaning it took a looong time to turn organisms into fossils and they are NOT replaceable, so what we did, we built a whole civilization on them, everything we created relies mainly onĀ  fossil fuels, that we have now tried to implement with ‘biofuels’ -and let’s not open THAT can of worms within this post and the consequences of what we have been doing to both the land and the people whose needs to use their land to live and feed themselves have been expropriated by Corporations for Profit for a minuscule input of relief to the consumption of fossil fuels, but let’s stick with the fossils and our Great Civilization.

I have watched a documentary called the ‘Blind Spot‘ (from the dictionary “an area where a person’s view is obstructed”) which talks about the problems we will face as soon as the production of Fossil Fuels will reach its Peak, which has been identified as The Peak Oil Point, that point beyond which the production will start to decrease, it’s an organic problem and not something that will go away if we don’t look at it and we are about 20 years late with ‘doing something about it’.

What is this Blind Spot that we are keeping up as Humanity, what are the benefits of cultivating Blind Spots as a way of life, why is our society structured into a humongous Blind Spot, why are we blind to everything that is going on in our World? Are we demented?

We have all industries gearing the entertainment up for a society on the brink of self destruction, all the movies of the past 10 years have had a huge increase in Magic, did you notice? The Magic factor is one of our favoriite ‘Blind Spots’, we are continuously fed the Magic Wonderland crap to allow our imaginations to run rampant about possibilities, we glide on consequences as if those were UNREAL, because the Magic is there, the time of Possibilities, the Happy Endings, and this within a Global society where just in the USA with 4.6% of the World Population they have 30% of the Consumption of all world resources.

Is there anyway we can start to drive home the idea that life on this planet of finite resuorces comes with con-sequences, which we could see as a ‘congruent sequence’ of events that will naturally follow one another in a PREDICTABLE order, finite resources are bound to end , because they are Finite, so what are we doing about what we should have done 20 years ago? Nothing.

The best way we found is to attack poor countries, made poor by this system earlier on, and try to take over Their resources.

And we don’t even play it nice, we don’t go and ask please can you give me your oil, can I give you something for it, I am that Bastard that can’t stop himself from consuming everything that exists, I am the Monster of Consumption, please bear with me while I try to correct myself, Nope, we want to blame it on them and not enough still, we want to come out looking good, we bring Democracy to people, we Fight for their Freedom, we have “Piece” Missions (I’ll maybe leave you a Piece) and leave them battered, poorer and grieving their losses.

You know, this behavior would not even be tolerated in a kindergarten, if a kid was repeatedly robbing another one’s lunch box, they would be punished, sanctioned, warned, their parents would be called to correct the situation and the kid wold be banned from kindergarten until a resolution would be reached.

Instead we allow these abusive kids to run rampant unsupervised as we allowed all the watchdogs of the world to be appointed BY THEM and then as they grew into bigger bullies, we bought the Propaganda sold for the benefit of maintaining this disgraceful Economic System in place.

Watch Blind Spot, Economic Science, watch The Empire Principle, Human Resources – Social Engineering for the 20th century, PsyWar, educate yourself, get off the Disney Channel, we are on a train heading for a certain collusion with Reality, with no one sitting at the wheel because we are busy fighting for the window seats in the back.

Get back on the driving seat with Real Democracy with #EqualMoney

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