The End of the World is given 1:5000. Wanna Bet?

World map showing percent of population living...

World map showing percent of population living on less than $1.25 (ppp) per day
using the latest data from 2000-2006. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today I watched the news to make extra sure the World did not End somewhere far away from where I live, or that it ended while I was sleeping and I was the only one left with just the TV. Imagine that as a scary thing.

But it didn’t, I am still here, we are all still here. None of the prophecies came through, no one ascended, moved to another dimension, embraced new frequency and vibrations, it’s just business as usual.

On the news they said that people have been gambling on The End of the World, it seemed such an amazing opportunity since they gave The End of the World 5000 to 1, meaning with 1 Euro one could make 5000.

I just want to touch briefly on our celebrated Intelligence and how the point that we are out of touch with reality is visible everywhere we look.

We went betting on the End of the World, great investment, imagine if it did pay out, what a blast. So how come those who went gambling didn’t ask themselves WHO would pay up their bets if the world ended or would it matter if the only other guy surviving was the bookmaker, which would be extraordinary per se, both the gambler and the bookmaker surviving the End of the World, but if that was the case and I could make 50000 Euro by betting 10, where would I spend it?

This is the perfect example to highlight how Money has become such a blinding driving force while we don’t realize that it’s value exists only by The Power given to it by The People; on a desert island one could print Money and it would mean nothing, even in a small community, if I invented something called A Bank and printed Money, unless the People I want to sell this idea to- bought it, they would still be just worthless pieces of paper.

We have created an economic system to which we abdicated our responsibility for this world, where the power of the people has been given away to Puppet Governments and Banks to print and circulate Money. This is not very intelligent as we can see how we ended up in a system where now we believe that Money is real and it has power over us, plus we have excluded ourselves from any decision making about what we do with the Money that is circulating, hence WE the People are funding Wars, slavery, occupation of countries, murders, famine, poverty, as every piece of Money that circulates carries our own individual power with it, we are The Governors of this system, the only missing thing to prove it is our signatures on the Banknotes, but no one has an interest in making this TOO obvious, not even ourselves.

We didn’t get here in one day, it took centuries to build this belief about Money and the fact that it holds power over our Lives, unfortunately as we kept believing it and living this truth, desiring to accumulate this Power to Live, over Life, above the Power or Capacity of others to have their fair share, we ended up turning this world into Hell for All.

Let’s say as a gross understatement that we made a miss-take along the way, the biggest was born out of our separation from existence as a whole and all the others followed as we didn’t realize that wanting for myself and not for others Equally would lead to all sorts of problems which we have duly manifested, such as Poverty, Inequality, Famine, Starvation, Violence, Murder, Torture, because as we went along and we entrenched ourselves into our ‘make beliefs’ ideas about this experience called Life, we upped the stakes and we became willing to do more and more atrocious things just to guarantee that “I’ would make it, that “I’ would be safe and now we have reached the End of The Game, this Game is over, we can clearly see that betting on the End of the World would mean that “I” should be the One to survive while the world ends -fuck the world-, do I care? Nope, I care about winning this game, down to the last man -I’ll kill the bookeeper myself once he has paid off- as I live my personal “Highlander” tale in my Mind, “Only One will be left”, and by God, I Hope, wish, desire, want that One to be me. I’ll bet on it.

Short on Intelligence, that would be the smallest lack to acknowledge as  it’s everywhere for us to see, look at our economics system which was meant (was it?) to be a system for the Fair distribution of resources, look at how we use Fossil Fuels as if there was no tomorrow at how we exploit third world countries’ resources hoping no one will notice and that we’ll get away with it, look at how we came to believe some Lives are worth more than others, so much for our intelligence, but along the way we lost it all, decency, compassion, the ability to ask ourselves if we could swap places with another, if it would be fine, bearable, to live the life of any other, or if we need to redesign this world into a place that works for all so that Each Life can express itself beyond fear and grief and sorrow – and guilt and shame.

The world did not end, some lost a few Euros on this bet, too bad, can’t fathom their disappointment, but they stand as the example of how far we have gone in our desires, way too far, it’s time to self correct and remind ourselves that no man is an island, and we are 7 billion humans sharing One planet with many other species, many of which we have already decimated- and we have only this one planet, for a little while more, we can look at what we have become and ask ourselves if this is the best we can do OR, if we can see that another world is possible, where everyone thrives, then we have to stand for THAT Change, it won’t come by itself, just like the End of the World, we’ll be the cause of one or the other, The End of it All or the Rebirth of a Planet where Life is Honored and we truly care for Each Other as Equals, as One.

What will it be? Who will we be? We are the Ones that decide.

Take your stand for a Dignified Life for All @ Equal Money.


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